I know you think I’m crazy, but I’m truly not. It’s still snowing out, even though the groundhog says spring is coming. However, the reason I say “’tis the season” is because Lent is upon us. Now, I’ve never been one for making New Year’s resolutions. I think they borderline on the ridiculous, and one never sticks to them. How many times have you made a New Year’s resolution and neglected to follow through on it? Yeah, that’s what I thought. But, for Lent, I try to do a little bit better. I’m not Catholic, but I do think that doing something to improve yourself is admirable. We are always changing, so why not work on making those changes positive? And what better way than to have a specific number of days in which to do this? I’ve always heard that establishing a new habit takes 30 days, so Lent gives you an extra 10 to reinforce any new goal.
So this year I’ve been going back-and-forth on what to do for Lent. When I was in college, the obvious thing to do was to give up cursing. Well, that’s just not gonna happen! I’ve outgrown that notion… I’ve done the whole exercise ‘every day for 40 days,’ or ‘I’ll do this diet for 40 days,’ but really, it kind of gets treated just like a New Year’s resolution – meaning it goes out the window within the first week. Last year I did a challenge that involved my writing. I decided that for the 40 days I was going to write a certain number of words every single day. And I did it too! This year however, I think I’m going back to an old standby: I’m give up sugar for 40 days! For those of you that don’t know me, you don’t understand what a big deal this is. My two biggest addictions are sweet tea and bite-size Snickers bars. Lately, the Snickers is kind of a ruling my life. So I decided that for the next 40 days I’m gonna work to change that. Wish me luck and here we go! Happy fat Tuesday everyone.