How in the world do you think of such things? I heard this question numerous times when I first started writing Free to Kill.  The idea came to me as I was planning a vacation to Washington DC.  I was researching things to do in the city and came across the Crime & Punishment Museum (a great place to visit, by the way).

At the Crime & Punishment Museum in DC this summer

As I was looking through the different things covered in the museum, the website mentioned medieval torture.  I thought, “Hmm, I wonder what it would be like to come to work and see a real, live (well, dead) body in one of the medieval devices, instead of a mannequin.

0402 Washington DC _ Crime Museum







The idea grew into wondering what it would be like to be tortured by one of the devices.

0427 Washington DC _ Crime Museum





Then the researching began.  Free to Kill was born from that.  Oh, and my friends now wonder about my sanity…..

About author / Julie