
Don’t Stifle the Creative Genius!
There are a lot of debates about writing styles. Are you a plotter or a pantser? This is one of those I hear most often. I think I’m a combination, depending on the book I’m writing. I come up with ideas from several places and my creative mind takes over. I can’t fully be a pantser, or my books would...
One year and counting…..
Oh my goodness! I can’t believe it’s been a year since I published my first book. This has been a rollercoaster ride of fun, stress, learning, and frustration, but has been overall rewarding. I started 2014 with two goals: write one novel, and publish one novel. I started 2015 with the goal to publish four books. So far, I...
Free to Deceive is now available
I’m pleased to announce my second novel in the Katie Freeman series is now available! I’ve included the description of the book as well as links to purchase your copy! Special Agent Katie Freeman and her partner, Michael Powell, step in to assist the local authorities after the discovery of thirteen bodies buried in a small park. The chilling pose of each...
Finding an editor
In all the research I did for self-publishing, one thing was repeated several times: look for an editor in time to get on their schedule. The recommended timeframe for this was two months. I started looking four months before I needed an editor. What I discovered is that most editors have a six-month waiting period. Oops! What is a new...
Where I am in the process
I started January of this year evaluating the goals in my life. I am not a big fan of resolutions. That is really a recipe for disaster for me. I can count on one hand the number of resolutions I have made and kept in my life. About three years ago, I decided: NO MORE RESOLUTIONS. Instead, I set goals....